チャボ 矮鶏 ちゃぼ chabo
Common Standard of Chabo Breeds
Beak: Strong and curved; yellow in colour
Head: Large and wide
Eyes: Large, round and lovely; reddish orange in colour
Comb: Single, Medium, with five leaves, smooth surface, surmounted on head
Wattles and ear lobes: Large, round and smooth
Neck: Short, leaning back
Hackle: Rich, long (mottle bleeds: hen-feathered)
Breast: Prominent
Back: Short, and wide
Saddle feather: Rich and long(mottle bleeds: hen-feathered)
Tail: Very large and open out, approaching comb
Sickles: Tall, surmount or slightly curved to back(mottle bleeds: hen- feathered)
Wings: Large, long and dropping ground
Legs: Very short, thick with no feathers
Toes: Short, straight and open out
Classification of plumage colour
1. Japanese name: Siro English name: White
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, All feathers: White, Chick down colour: White, Cream
2. Japanese name: Kuro , English name: Black
Comb: Red or blackish red, Wattles: Red or blackish red, Ear lobes: Red or blackish red, Beak: Yellow or blackish yellow, Eyes: Reddish chest nut, Legs: Yellow or blackish yellow, All feathers: Greenish black(shining colour), Skin: Black , Chick down colour:Black
3. Japanese name: Sin-kuro , English name: Whole Black
Comb: Black, Wattles: Black , Ear lobes: Black, Beak: Deep black, Eyes: Black ,Legs: Deep black , All feathers: Black(mat colour), Skin: Black, Chick down colour: Deep black
4. Japanese name: Asaghi , English name: Blue
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow or blackish yellow, Eyes: Reddish chest nut, Legs: Yellow or blackish yellow, All feathers: Blue(with dark hackle), Chick down colour:Blue
5. Japanese name: Usuge-syoujyo , English name: Light buff
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: RedBeak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Head, Hackles, Back, Wing bow and Saddle feathers: male; reddish buff(brilliant colour), Other feathers: Buff, Chick down colour: Brown
6. Japanese name: Go-ishi , English name: Mottled(black and white spangled)
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: RedLegs: Yellow, All feathers: Black(each feathers with large white spots, henfeathered), Chick down colour: White or cream(head back: black spot)
7. Japanese name: Sakura go-ishi , English name: Red mottled(white and white spangled)
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, All feathers: Brown(each feathers with large white spots, henfeathered), Chick down colour: White or cream(head back: dark brown spot)
8. Japanese name: Mi-iro go-ishi, English name: Tri coloured mottled(mille fleur or speckled)
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, All feathers: Brown (each feathers with black bands and large white spots, henfeathered), Chick down colour: White or cream(head back: dark brown spot)
9. Japanese name: Katura, English name: Black Tailed White
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Head, Hackles, Back, Wing bow, Wing coverts, Saddle feathers and Breast: White, Primaries: Black (mat colour), Secondaries inside half: Black(mat colour, white laced), Secondaries outside half: White, Main tail feathers: Black(mat colour), Sickles and Tail coverts: Black(mat colour, white laced), Chick down colour: White, Cream
10. Japanese name: Syoujyo, English name: Black tailed buff
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Head, Hackles, Back, Wing bow, wing coverts, Saddle feathers and breast: male; reddish buff(brilliant colour), Primaries: Black(mat colour), Secondaries inside half: Black(mat colour, buff laced), Secondaries outside half: Buff, Main tail feathers: Black(mat colour), Sickles and Tail coverts: Black(mat colour, buff laced), Chick down colour: Yellowish orange
11. Japanese name: Siro-sasa, English name: Gray(white hackled)
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Head, Hackles and Saddle feathers: White, Breast: Black, Back, Wing bow and Wing coverts,: White(and black stripe), Primaries: Greenish black, Secondaries inside half: Greenish black, Secondaries outside half: White, Main tail feathers: Greenish black with white laced, Sickles and Tail coverts: Greenish black, Chick down colour: Gray(head and back: reddish black stripe)
12. Japanese name: Ghin-sasa, English name: Birchen(silver hackled)
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, blackish yellow(upper beak), Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow or blackish yellow, Head, Hackles and Saddle feathers: Silver white with wide black stripe, Other feathers: Greenish black, Chick down colour: Black
13. Japanese name: Aka-sasa , English name: Black breasted red(red hackled)
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Head, Hackles and Saddle feathers: Brown(and black stripe), Breast: Black,Back, Wing bow and Wing coverts,: Brown red, Primaries: Greenish black, Secondaries inside half: Greenish black, Secondaries outside half: Brown, Main tail feathers: Greenish black with brown laced, Sickles, Tail coverts: Greenish black, Chick down colour: Brown Gray(head and back: reddish black stripe)
14. Japanese name: Khin-sasa, English name: Golden hackled
Comb: Red, Wattles: RedEar lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Head, Hackles and Saddle feathers: Golden(and black stripe), Breast: Black, Back, Wing bow and Wing coverts,: Brown red, Primaries: Greenish black, Secondaries inside half: Greenish black, Secondaries outside half: Brown, Main tail feathers: Greenish black with brown laced, Sickles and Tail coverts: Greenish black, Chick down colour: Brown Gray(head and back: reddish black stripe)
15. Japanese name: Ghin-suzunami , English name: Cuckoo
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red or reddish chest nut, Legs: Yellow, All feathers: Gray(each feathers with fine black barring, mat colour), Chick down colour: Black(with white spot on top of head)
16. Japanese name: Khin-suzunami, English name: Lemon cuckoo
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red or reddish chest nut, Legs: Yellow, All feathers: Yellowish white(each feathers with fine Buff barring, brilliant colour), Chick down colour: Brown
17. Japanese name: Gen-pei , English name: Pyle(red and white)
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Head feathers: Reddish chest nut, Back, Wing bow, Wing coverts and misaki-bane,: Reddish chest nut or reddish yellow, Breast and down feathers: Light reddish yellow, Other feathers: White, Chick down colour: white(head: reddish white)
18. Japanese name: Kurakake-gen-pei, English name: Red saddled white
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Back, Wing bow, Wing coverts and misaki-bane,: Reddish chest nut or reddish yellow, Breast and down feathers: Light reddish yellow, Other feathers: White, Chick down colour: white
19. Japanese name: Capitan syoujyo, English name: Black tailed red
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Head, Hackles, Breast, Back, Wing bow, Wing coverts and Saddle feathers: Reddish chest nut(mahogany), Primaries: Black, Secondaries inside half: Black, Secondaries outside half: Reddish chest nut, Main tail feathers: Black, Sickles and Tail coverts: Black, Chick down colour: Coppery red
20.Japanese name: Ki-sasa , English name: Brown
Comb: Red, Wattles: Red, Ear lobes: Red, Beak: Yellow, Eyes: Red, Legs: Yellow, Head, Hackles and Saddle feathers: Yellowish brown(and black stripe), Breast: Black, Back, Wing bow and Wing coverts,: Yellowish brown, Primaries: Greenish black, Secondaries inside half: Greenish black, Secondaries outside half: Brown, Main tail feathers: Greenish black with brown laced, Sickles, Tail coverts: Greenish black, Chick down colour: Brown Gray(head and back: reddish black stripe)
Classification of shape
21. Japanese name: Saka-ge English name: Frizzled
22. Japanese name: Ito-ge English name: Silky
23. Japanese name: Oho-zaka English name: Large comb
24. Japanese name: Daruma English name: Pinch tailed
25. Japanese name: Okina English name: Bearded